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Hakoah Clubmeisterschaften 2017

What a day! After a hard week full of practise and university stuff, and a rough night that ended no earlier than 3am in the morning, I didn`t want to leave my comfy bed at all. The previouse night we had a Christmas Party that ended in dancing like crazy in a clubπŸ˜‚

Additional I am fighting against a light cold, so I really didn`t feel that motivated as I had to get up.Β 

Nevertheless I had 4 starts ahead and wouldn`t miss a single one! It went very well, 2 Seconds places in 50m butterfly and 50m freestyle and 2 First places in 100m freestyle and 100m medley, in the open class. I could even beat a triathlon World Cup athlete! πŸ™„πŸŠπŸ’ͺπŸ‘ˆSure there is always something to improve, but I am quite satisfied with myself. Exspecially because I only got a few hours of sleep 😝
